That might've been over the top, social sites have been an overarching themes of our lives. As of today, I'm a slacker on social media, even though its an occupying past time. I haven't always been this way; ever since I was in middle school, it was Millsbury, then Myspace, then Facebook, then Twitter, then Instagram, then Cinemagram, and the list continues. All these have something in common, it kept my mind occupied on others. I had to take a break, I was spending far too much time on those sites. I wasn't achieving the goals I set out to accomplish, however I kept abreast on the latest gossip.As a youth I sure did learn a lot in turn, caused me to learn negative things in a much more rapid pace than I would've. However, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, though I do believe that social media is based on whats trending. Daily all around you, people are focusing their minds on things that teach them nothing of any substance. What did you wear today, you're opinion on Bad Girls Club and why this girl is talking to your boyfriend.

On the contrary, I have experienced a lot on social media.... I have met new people and grown new friendships and severed some too. Depends on the person, you could be re-connecting an obsolete friendship or acquiring useful information. You could spread the word on African genocide for example, Kony 2012 was widely spread across social media sites. Im not negating the fuctional effects of social media but, the worthwhile motives are to be desired. You could be doing something more critical with your time: reading a book, studying notes, painting, going out seeing the world, bathing for goodness sake... Anything, but if deteroirating you're mind and wasting your time is your hobby; be my guest, you're friends and followers are waiting....