Friday, December 28, 2012

Black Star, Mos Def and Talib Kweli are Black Star Review

The late 90's in hip-hop was a very unclear time period. Specifically, the time period after the major feud between Tupac and Biggie, left hip-hop a bit stagnant.  During that time, their was a heavy reliance on gangster music such as, Jay-Z, DMX, Big Pun, Cam'ron and many more.  A hip hop group rose from the ashes out of the Biggie/Tupac feud in 1998. Brooklyn based duo, Black Star became popular during this time period. Two socially and politically rappers by the name of Mos Def and Talib Kweli formed Black Star, two prime examples of the indie-label hip-hop renaissance. Moreover, Black Star introduced their first album Mos Def and Talib Kweli are Black Star.

The theme of the album was set early with the song Astronomy (8th Light) that gave an opening to the socially conscious lyrics that the album would encompass. It's the third eye vision, five side dimension The 8th Light, is gonna shine bright tonight. Lyrics with a wider vernacular than its predecessors and fellow hip-hop peers. For example, Against the canvas of the night appears a curious celestial phenomena called Black Star, but what is it? You wouldn't hear that from the likes of DMX or Big Pun. Furthermore, K.O.S. (Determination) lyrical consciousness is astounding. "Knowledge Of Self is like life after death with that you never worry about your last breath death comes, that's how I'm livin, it's the next days the flesh goes underground, the book of life, flip the page." Hold on, did you peep that?  The simile knowledge of self is like a utopia or a heaven and with it you won't worry about dying because death is certain and you'll be buried and time will move on.... All in 2 bars!!!  Furthermore, on Thieves In The Night, "Reflection rarely seen across the surface of the looking glass, walking the street, wondering who they be looking past, looking gassed with them imported designer shades on." Do you feel that? The designer shades are the looking glass are by the people selling their souls. The tinted glass changes their eyesight, and their perspective and now they are all confused.The album encompasses in-depth lyrics with complexity and creativity. My favorite hook on the album is, Brown Skin Lady, just yesterday I was signing, " I like the, I like the, I like the, I like the way you walk, yes, I live the way you move, I like the way you walk."  

The album has a recurring beat structure, and hooks that aren't as catchy except of course, Brown Skin Lady. The album has a smooth structure and pacing of the songs, with black power interludes, prologues, and epilogues. For example, the interlude Yo Yeah, Black is black is something to laugh about, black is something to cry about, black is serious, black is a feeling black is us the beautiful people. Futhermore, the play on words and the lyrics that make you listen again, again and then do your research.  For example, No Batman and Robin, can't tell between the cops and the robbers, they both partners, they all heartless With no conscience, back streets stay darkened. The song, Respiration, Thieves In The Night, and Astronomy (8th Light) and the entire album touches on modern day politics, culture, and the life of minorities in major urban cities. Overall, I'd give the album a 4 out of 5.

Definite buy:

Friday, December 21, 2012

Sustaining in the Murder Capital.

Survival, is what I live by... crime is one look away from young minorities.  Since, the rise in gentrification, or putting minorities out of their homes, crime has risen we have no choice.  People are mad, times are hard, and it's survival of the fittest. Minorities have it the worst, and I mean it, the worst. In most cases, minorities are the ones that live in the underclass housing in major cities. More importantly, being without luxuries brings out either two types of hunger: positive or negative. The latter is the path a considerable amount decide to go down. And those who wish for better, must adapt or become targets.

Personally, I learned to adapt to my environment.  When you are in the street, look normal. You know the saying, first impressions go along way; trust it does. If you look like a "sweet" person, or an easy target, you'll be targeted. To make it worst if you're flashy and you're sweet, they're going to get you. I know many people, who have been targeted because of showing fear. Fear will make you weak, it is survival. Survival in the case of everyday life. What I mean is, if you are walking and you make eye contact with someone, don't show you're weak and frantically move your eyes. The strong pray on the weak. What I usually do is, hold it for a second to show I'm a man, and look away so I don't stare and show I'm about other business. Its natural, I have been doing this for a long time. It's my poker-face and very seldomly have I had any confrontation.

Glock 30
For real though, things happen. Life happens and you can't avoid it.  One way to avoid it though, is don't draw unnecessary attention to yourself.  I known people who have died or beaten all because they were "rapping". That is the worst thing you can possibly you can do. Run your mouth, and pull unnecessary attention to yourself. When you do that, someone will target you.  I like to keep my eyes wide open, no loafing, or being sweet and make sure I'm on my toes. For real, an older man once told me, G.A.B.O.S. (Gain Ain't Based On Sympathy). What I mean is, if something happens hold your own and if you lose, you lose. I have gotten into altercations where I'm outnumbered and I didn't ask for it. If you take a lost, take your lost. Revenge is what causes too much violence, now this is fighting, death is another topic.

Lastly, stay in your comfort zone.  Stay in areas you are well- known, have friends and close to home.  Don't make trips to places by yourself where you do not know people . Chances are, the odds won't be in your favor and you might get robbed. I stay in my neighborhood located in Uptown Washington, DC between NW Fort Totten to NW Georgia Ave-Petworth; more specifically, New Hampshire Ave to Illinois Ave. I know people, recognize faces, and won't be a target in those areas, I grew up around there.  Now, it isn't the toughest neighborhood not at all, but violence still happens anywhere. Four people were shot and killed on the side street of New Hampshire Ave on July 4th.  Crime can happen anywhere. Now, if you follow my instructions: Do not show fear and weakness, keep a poker-face, don't draw attention to yourself, and stayed in your comfort zone, you just might sustain in a murder capital.,_D.C.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1355534169,d.dmQ&fp=df0c5e3e283a7a26&bpcl=40096503&biw=1280&bih=664,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1355534169,d.dmQ&fp=df0c5e3e283a7a26&bpcl=40096503&biw=1280&bih=664

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Chief Keef Finally Rich Review

From an overnight sensation on YouTube to becoming the youngest major record label head in history, Chief Keef has arrived.  Seems to good to be true, all done before the New Year.  Chief Keef is now releasing his first album  "Finally Rich", documents his transcend from the underclass housing projects in Chicago to fame and riches all within less than a year.  Chief Keef and his GBE squad are bringing back teenage youth to mainstream rap. Avid rap fans can't vibe to Justin Bieber, we need a hero with a new sound.... Chief Keef! I Dont Like ft. Lil Reese was the single that set him in the spotlight. And now, he is releasing an album that has a brave new sound, much to my liking.

Everyone looks for the next big thing but it's here, and he's finally rich. "Gotta get this money, understand me?" and "Bestfriends with Ben Shawty, I'm Ballinnnn"; an overarching theme of the album is the artist's astonishment to this newfound wealth and fame such as songs like "No Tomorrow", "Ballin'", and "Finally Rich (the song)".  Are cathcy and provide lush and coopesatic rhythms. Especially the latter, "Finally Ric "in my opinion, is the best song on the album.  It is smooth, catchy and has a flow that is only right for the song encompassing the same title as the album.  In my neighborhood, I plan to hear this album with the bass on max, and people riding around in their cars bouncing to it. Chief Keef, is sort of a spokesperson for young youth who dream of doing what he has accomplished. I had a young boy, no older than 12 come up and ask me on the bus,  "You like Sosa, Chief Keef?"  Now, I did not know him but, he smiled as if saying yes, we would make a connection.That's crazy to me. Two random strangers coming together, relating to one another because of musical preference. A good one to be honest, one that doesn't need fancy lyrics or in-depth topics but, enough to persuade the youth to follow.  Now, if you have a radio or keep abreast on the latest hip-hop I trust you heard his singles; I Dont Like Ft. Lil Reese and Love Sosa & Hate Bein' Sober. The great songs off of "Finally Rich" that dropped today, on December 18th, the album a worthwhile purhcase.

The recurring theme of "Finally Rich" is his astonishment to his newfound wealth, another one is his daughter, Kiara. Wow, cat got your tongue? Really, that is the last thing you would the least you'd expect from him at such a young age. But, his daughter who's nickname is Kay Kay has an entire song dedicated to her on the album. Matter of fact, an entire Instagram account dedicated to her is run by Chief Keef himself. On at least six of his songs, Chief Keef mentions his daughter. Specifically on, "Got Them Bands", he said, "My Daughter’s Heaven Sent".  Parents might actually like, Chief Keef. 

Just like "I Dont Like" and his other song, "3Hunna was on his previous mixtape "Back "From The Dead" are like most of the other songs have bass-filled melodies and so simple its crazy lyrics.  "I cant spell sober, Im a smoker.. damn I hate being sober." Yeah, silly right? Well don't be suprised when you're bumping this song in the car listening to your local radio station. Like I previously stated, their is a lot of overarching themes, one is the production, Young Chop. A producer who has been with Mr. Keef since his early days, and provides the instrumental to the many hits I'm bumping now. On the contrary, Young Ravisu made an ambient change to the rapppers usually recurring theme with Citgo; which has an appeal where the rapper begins to sing.  Is this what to expect, more out of Keef?  The least to expect from, a hardcore, detached, and street rapper like Chief Keef.

Yes, if you don't like music that is catchy and fun to listen to.... Then "Finally Rich" isn't for you. Ultimately, I can say you have to judge for yourself if you like his album. It works for him, and works for his millions of fans. Another young man who benefited from his musical talents and made it work for him. He said in a prolouge to "Ballin' ", " I used to tell people like, Im going to have this, and I'm gonna have that, Im gonna get this, Im gonna get a car, I'm gonna be famous before you, Im gonna be rich before you" and yes he did. Safe to say, we get the message Keef, "I'm finally rich"

Friday, December 14, 2012

Trust, Is A Must.

My big bro Mike and I
                   Before we start,  name 3 people who you trust? one, two, three. Do you trust those people with no doubt in your mind?  Do you have any doubts they would do something shady? Steal from you, talk behind your back, even threaten you? If you do, then you don't fully trust them. Trust means in context to people, "one confidence is placed" by Merriam-Webster. Yes, people do things that would sever that trust but, the three that you named should have the full benefit of the doubt and your confidence placed in them.

                  Don't get me wrong, I trust very few people. When you trust too many people you end up losing more than you gain. Trust is a very complex facet of love, that's what it is, a form of love. Their are many forms and levels of love such as, family, close friends that are like family, friends, and associates. Now, personally I only trust the first 2 categories. The people that I trust undoubtely outside my parents are: my older brother, and my close friends Kamren and Teron. The reason I trust my older brother is because ever since I was born he has always been in my corner. He knows me better than anyone else, he knows the memories that make me the happiest and the ones that tear me down. When no one, and I mean no one was there for me, my brother was there.

Teron and I
              When my brother left home to follow his dreams to attend undegraduate school and now graduate school; the gap of trust was left empty. But, I found two close friends that we call each other "bruvahs" because I feel we are close just like brothers. My friend Kamren, we think alike, and we sort of act alike. We both are stubborn and get into fights often, but we have fun too. When someone disrespects him, I am the first one to stand up to for him. Many times have I gotten into altercations because people have disrespected me and he has stand up for me.  Kamren and I, are like twins and rivals at the same time. And, when I need someone he is always there.  I hope this friendship will last a lifetime.  My friend Teron, right now we are currently beefing. Some words had been said, and things got out of hand. Nevertheless, rewind the clocks back to summer of 2010 when Teron and I first became friends at McKinley Tech High Shool. Ever since then, we walked to school every morning and walked home together every evening. Whenever, he needed to go somewhere we'd go together. Through all my toughest times in school, Teron would help me get over it.  I trust him, that's my brother. Girls should never come between a friendship, but he feels otherwise.  He chooses loyalty to a girl over me and that is why currently we are not speaking.  Whatever the case may be, I trust him with my girlfriends, sister and my future wife. Through these last two years at school, he may or may not still be my "bruvah" but, if he ever needs someone.... I'm there.

Kamren and I on Twin Day
From all the things we have been through, I trust them. One blog can't explain the gravity each of them plays in my life. I trust them with my money, my girlfriends, and will I need them they will be there for me. This is not a pipe dream, I know from history and experience that these people always have my best interest at heart.  Because everyone needs someone to lean on, and they have been there in such desperate times. What about you? Who do you have, that plays that role? Remember no one can live fully alone, without one way or another depending on someone. With this, I hope you go to the people you trust and love, show them and express to them that they play a major role in your success. Remember in this life, eat, pray, love and to be truly happy, trust is a must.

Meet them:

Friday, December 7, 2012

Why A Conscious Rap Connoiseur Loves Chief Keef

                I Love Chief Keef's music. It's plain and simple, it keeps me entertained along with 19 million other people. When I'm on the train, working out, or just chilling on the computer I constantly find my self listening to Chief Keef. His rhythm and flow keeps me interested, and satisfied. I know his lyrics word for word, and I bob my head when the chorus arrives. " Flexin' they know I'm flexin', I'm buying all these clothes cuz I'm straight finessin'." This isn't Shakespeare or it doesn't encompass any literary devices, but does it have to?

          Does it always have to be someone's life story? "Goddd ya some broke boys, these b*tches Love Sosaaa"... Does it always have to give insight and teach you something? "IMMM A TRUEEE RELIGIONNNN FIENNDDDDD"..  I don't always want to hear self-righteous soul music, I want to hear music that makes me feel good.  I want to hear once in a while your balling so hard people think that your Kobe. That's my dream! Coming from a background without these glories, a young man living his life to how he sees fit makes me want to strive for better.  His debut album arrived on December 18th and was I anxiously awaited to hear Chef Keef's new rhymes.  Personally, I am a fan of a plethora of forms of Hip-Hop and I listen to a range of different artists such as Joey BadA$$, early Kanye West, BlackStar, Nas, and many others.  The art form, is all about telling a story; whether it is a first person account or realistic fiction. A bass-filled beat with a fun melody, catchy hook, and a rhythm with an occasional background "Bang Bang" keeps my ears happy.  He's catchy! That song you find yourself repeating it all throughout your day... I like to hear a rappers catchy phrases in the background of their verses for smooth transition, and it's all about the delivery. Chief Keef took this recipe and made his own addictive potion to my iTunes.

            "Chief Keef music is degrading and violent" says a distraught Jori Staten before hearing any songs from the rapper. Why do people refuse to give certain music a chance? Just give the boy a chance, you might like him. If you don't okay, you gave him an unbiased listen; thats admirable.  If you don't and purely judge on speculation, to be honest, that's called prejudice. If you suspect Chief Keef to be profane and violent; if you haven't heard him before that would be the lesser on your part. Yes, he does use vulgar language and threatens anyone's life who crosses him but, I do too and I'm sure so do most of you reading this. Yes, I can't ride in foreign cars and have meet foreign women but, it can't hurt to dream. Can you believe he is my age, literally?  We were born less than a year apart and he accomplished his dreams and has a following of millions. Not to mention, he is the youngest head of a major label head ever; and supporting closest friends and family as artist  in his label Glory Boyz Entertainment. We all have life problems, we all have goals we want to achieve, but for 2 minutes and 30 seconds I'd pay $1.29 to take my mind away from it all, and travel to an eutopia of musical solace.