Does it always have to be someone's life story? "Goddd ya some broke boys, these b*tches Love Sosaaa"... Does it always have to give insight and teach you something? "IMMM A TRUEEE RELIGIONNNN FIENNDDDDD".. I don't always want to hear self-righteous soul music, I want to hear music that makes me feel good. I want to hear once in a while your balling so hard people think that your Kobe. That's my dream! Coming from a background without these glories, a young man living his life to how he sees fit makes me want to strive for better. His debut album arrived on December 18th and was I anxiously awaited to hear Chef Keef's new rhymes. Personally, I am a fan of a plethora of forms of Hip-Hop and I listen to a range of different artists such as Joey BadA$$, early Kanye West, BlackStar, Nas, and many others. The art form, is all about telling a story; whether it is a first person account or realistic fiction. A bass-filled beat with a fun melody, catchy hook, and a rhythm with an occasional background "Bang Bang" keeps my ears happy. He's catchy! That song you find yourself repeating it all throughout your day... I like to hear a rappers catchy phrases in the background of their verses for smooth transition, and it's all about the delivery. Chief Keef took this recipe and made his own addictive potion to my iTunes.

"Chief Keef music is degrading and violent" says a distraught Jori Staten before hearing any songs from the rapper. Why do people refuse to give certain music a chance? Just give the boy a chance, you might like him. If you don't okay, you gave him an unbiased listen; thats admirable. If you don't and purely judge on speculation, to be honest, that's called prejudice. If you suspect Chief Keef to be profane and violent; if you haven't heard him before that would be the lesser on your part. Yes, he does use vulgar language and threatens anyone's life who crosses him but, I do too and I'm sure so do most of you reading this. Yes, I can't ride in foreign cars and have meet foreign women but, it can't hurt to dream. Can you believe he is my age, literally? We were born less than a year apart and he accomplished his dreams and has a following of millions. Not to mention, he is the youngest head of a major label head ever; and supporting closest friends and family as artist in his label Glory Boyz Entertainment. We all have life problems, we all have goals we want to achieve, but for 2 minutes and 30 seconds I'd pay $1.29 to take my mind away from it all, and travel to an eutopia of musical solace.
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