My big bro Mike and I |
Before we start, name 3 people who you trust? one, two, three. Do you trust those people with no doubt in your mind? Do you have any doubts they would do something shady? Steal from you, talk behind your back, even threaten you? If you do, then you don't fully trust them. Trust means in context to people, "one confidence is placed" by Merriam-Webster. Yes, people do things that would sever that trust but, the three that you named should have the full benefit of the doubt and your confidence placed in them.
Don't get me wrong, I trust very few people. When you trust too many people you end up losing more than you gain. Trust is a very complex facet of love, that's what it is, a form of love. Their are many forms and levels of love such as, family, close friends that are like family, friends, and associates. Now, personally I only trust the first 2 categories. The people that I trust undoubtely outside my parents are: my older brother, and my close friends Kamren and Teron. The reason I trust my older brother is because ever since I was born he has always been in my corner. He knows me better than anyone else, he knows the memories that make me the happiest and the ones that tear me down. When no one, and I mean no one was there for me, my brother was there.
Teron and I |
When my brother left home to follow his dreams to attend undegraduate school and now graduate school; the gap of trust was left empty. But, I found two close friends that we call each other "bruvahs" because I feel we are close just like brothers. My friend Kamren, we think alike, and we sort of act alike. We both are stubborn and get into fights often, but we have fun too. When someone disrespects him, I am the first one to stand up to for him. Many times have I gotten into altercations because people have disrespected me and he has stand up for me. Kamren and I, are like twins and rivals at the same time. And, when I need someone he is always there. I hope this friendship will last a lifetime. My friend Teron, right now we are currently beefing. Some words had been said, and things got out of hand. Nevertheless, rewind the clocks back to summer of 2010 when Teron and I first became friends at McKinley Tech High Shool. Ever since then, we walked to school every morning and walked home together every evening. Whenever, he needed to go somewhere we'd go together. Through all my toughest times in school, Teron would help me get over it. I trust him, that's my brother. Girls should never come between a friendship, but he feels otherwise. He chooses loyalty to a girl over me and that is why currently we are not speaking. Whatever the case may be, I trust him with my girlfriends, sister and my future wife. Through these last two years at school, he may or may not still be my "bruvah" but, if he ever needs someone.... I'm there.
Kamren and I on Twin Day |
From all the things we have been through, I trust them. One blog can't explain the gravity each of them plays in my life. I trust them with my money, my girlfriends, and will I need them they will be there for me. This is not a pipe dream, I know from history and experience that these people always have my best interest at heart. Because everyone needs someone to lean on, and they have been there in such desperate times. What about you? Who do you have, that plays that role? Remember no one can live fully alone, without one way or another depending on someone. With this, I hope you go to the people you trust and love, show them and express to them that they play a major role in your success. Remember in this life, eat, pray, love and to be truly happy, trust is a must.
Meet them:
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